Monday, June 22, 2009

Paw-Paw just wanted you to know that i was thinking about you yesterday and today!! i really missed not seeing you for father's day. I know you are in a better place or soon will be because you were such a wonderful and wise man. you meant the world to me aand i will be sure to tell Cole all the wonderful things about u. he would have loved to hang out with you in the shop. I'm just glad he was here before you left. I LOVE YOU PAW-PAW!!!! Love, Mit

so i'm in GA and its the longest i've ever been away from my little Cole. I miss him terribly! can't wait to get home just to give him a big hug and a kiss. I LOVE U BABY BOY!!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Caleb and Cole

Caleb Taylor

This is my new nephew Caleb Harris Taylor. he is so sweet and i think he looks like his mommy. sorry Corey. Caleb was born on May 5 at 9:14, he was 8 lb 5oz and 22 inches long and of course he is perfect. His proud parents are Corey and Maggie Taylor. I am so proud of him, he is my very first nephew and Cole now has a little cousin. Here are a few pictures of them together, just a few of many more to come.

sorry i haven't been on in a while things have been kind of busy. the biggest new things with us is Cole is sitting up so good by himself and he has his bottom2 teeth and he is starting to rock a little like he is trying to crawl, but only scooting right now.

Monday, March 9, 2009

so this weekend was pretty rough, but we seemed to get thru it. we all went to my paw-paw's house to spread his ashes. To be honest it was nothing like i expected, just different. we all, the children and grandchildren, got a small amount of his ashes and spread them around the farm. In places that were important to him and meant something to us throughout our childhood. Its still so unreal. he would have been 81 this past saturday, march 7th. its like he totally went back into the earth. he was born, he lived, he died, and now he is spread on his farm among the earth. Paw-Paw, I miss you and I love you!!! I can't wait to see you again. love, mit mit

Monday, February 16, 2009

A very sad time in my life...

I just lost my paw-paw this friday. its a shock because he was doing so well. he was out to eat with some of the family earlier that night and everything was fine. we got a call friday nite about 9 pm that something was wrong with paw paw. we rushed to the house...uncle jr was already there and he did everything he could, it was already too late. I loved my paw paw so much, he was one of the most important men in my life and definitely the smartest! Paw paw i just want to tell you one more time that I love you and i would give anything just to hear you say... 'i love me too'. I will try to look out for grandma, its going to be hard on her, you were her very best friend and you two had been together for so long....its so unreal....i still can't believe it. i want you to come home so bad. Paw paw you were so important and the a huge part of our lives. I LOVE YOU PAW PAW i will miss you more than you can imagine. love, mit mit

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cole's Birth

Evan and I found out we were pregnant in February 2008. We were so excited, but at the same time so scared to get our hopes up because the year before I had a miscarriage. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through. So I took a second test to be sure and it was then confirmed by the doctor's office. The pregnancy was great, I had no real serious problems...just the very often nosebleed, some pain in my "area", and terrible heart burn...38 weeks, Sept. 31, 2008...Evan and I went to bed as usual. Nothing was really different about that night, I was tired and Evan had to get up at 5 am for work. Well, I awake at 4 am and I feel like I am having somach cramps. I continued to lay there and wait for Evan to wake up cause I really didn't want to wake him up. My 'cramps' or contractions were about every 8-10 minutes. I was a little scared and Evan didn't believe me. Evan goes to work and I call my mama, she gets to my house about 6:30 am. I sleep off and on and we monitor my contractions, they were regular but not really consistant in frequency. I ended up heading to the hospital about 12 pm. The doctor thinks I am having false labor so he pushes fluids and makes me walk the halls. nothing helps...he tells me I can stay and try rest therapy or I can go home and try to rest. I was so upset cause i really didn't know what to do...i decide to go home because I was so hungry. We go to the sonic and to Amerigas and I am in labor for real. I'm in tears cause it hurts so bad. When I return to the hospital i tell them i want to do rest therapy because i was so exhausted and couldn't sleep. That worked for a few hours. then more meds and an epidural later i had my beautiful son, Cole Early Taylor at 6:38 am. I was in labor for 26 hours. It was very tiring on my body and because of the extended labor I had postpartum hemmorhage. I lost almost 2 liters of blood, but things were controlled. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but it was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I thank God every night for my beautiful, sweet angel. Every woman should experience child birth and being a mother. It's wonderful!!
